Dienstag, 24. November 2009


Fast schon wieder ein Tag rum und noch nichts gepostet. Asche über mein Haupt. Der Beitrag heute steht ganz im Zeichen von Figuren, die wir alle aus diversen Märchen kennen. Als erstes der Djinn, natürlich mit freiem Oberkörper und den obligatorischen Fesseln, und weils so toll aussieht, coolen Tattoos ^^

Und als zweites eine Meerjungfrau. Ich mag die Fische :)
Wie man am Datum sehen kann, von Juli letzten Jahres.

Montag, 23. November 2009

Some cool girls

Todays daily-sketch is not so daily, really. I started it a few weeks ago, when I visited Eva in Ireland. I had to kill some time at the airport, so I started to draw her little cats and just finished it today, after it rested in my sketchbooks for some time now.This it how it turned out. Left one is Murphy, right one is fifi, for those, who do not know evas kittens ;)

The second one is another cute but not so cute in her behaviour - girl. Naevis, the main character from the BD "Sillage". She's well known for always wearing cool outfits and fancy hairstyles. I highly recommend you googel it, in case you dont know it!
As you can see, the drawign is from september last year.

Sonntag, 22. November 2009

Angel of Death

Well, this is my first entry here and yesterdays challenge was to draw oneself as an angel. That kills. I quite like the outcome ^__^
It was inspired by two of the statues of beautiful angels I saw in Paris in the church of Magdalene.

As second, I'll give you a nice little sketch from october 2008. I was just sketching around and ended up with what I think could be a high priest of some ayan or inka god. This sketch was highly inspired by the movie "The Fountain".